Holloway Funeral Home Durham Nc Obituaries. Robert vernon holloway, jr., 28, was born on monday, january 10, 1994 and departed this life on wednesday,. find the latest obituaries of people who passed away in durham, nc and were served by holloway memorial. doris moore holloway, 91 was born july 27, 1931 in durham, north carolina and departed this life on juneteenth freedom day monday, june 19, 2023. Fredrick lewis harris, 55, was born on saturday, april 16, 1966 and departed this life on monday, february 7, 2022. browse the latest obituaries of loved ones who passed away and were served by holloway memorial funeral home, inc. browse the recent obituaries of people who passed away in durham nc and were served by holloway memorial funeral home. read holloway memorial funeral home, inc. Obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral. mr henry leon parker, 74, was born on sunday, august 7, 1949 and departed this life on thursday, august 31, 2023.
Obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral. Robert vernon holloway, jr., 28, was born on monday, january 10, 1994 and departed this life on wednesday,. doris moore holloway, 91 was born july 27, 1931 in durham, north carolina and departed this life on juneteenth freedom day monday, june 19, 2023. mr henry leon parker, 74, was born on sunday, august 7, 1949 and departed this life on thursday, august 31, 2023. browse the latest obituaries of loved ones who passed away and were served by holloway memorial funeral home, inc. read holloway memorial funeral home, inc. Fredrick lewis harris, 55, was born on saturday, april 16, 1966 and departed this life on monday, february 7, 2022. find the latest obituaries of people who passed away in durham, nc and were served by holloway memorial. browse the recent obituaries of people who passed away in durham nc and were served by holloway memorial funeral home.
Holloway Memorial Funeral Home, Inc. Obituaries
Holloway Funeral Home Durham Nc Obituaries doris moore holloway, 91 was born july 27, 1931 in durham, north carolina and departed this life on juneteenth freedom day monday, june 19, 2023. mr henry leon parker, 74, was born on sunday, august 7, 1949 and departed this life on thursday, august 31, 2023. find the latest obituaries of people who passed away in durham, nc and were served by holloway memorial. browse the latest obituaries of loved ones who passed away and were served by holloway memorial funeral home, inc. browse the recent obituaries of people who passed away in durham nc and were served by holloway memorial funeral home. Robert vernon holloway, jr., 28, was born on monday, january 10, 1994 and departed this life on wednesday,. read holloway memorial funeral home, inc. Fredrick lewis harris, 55, was born on saturday, april 16, 1966 and departed this life on monday, february 7, 2022. doris moore holloway, 91 was born july 27, 1931 in durham, north carolina and departed this life on juneteenth freedom day monday, june 19, 2023. Obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral.